Don’t Do Massive Weights To Grow Taller

Don’t Do Massive Weights To Grow Taller - grow taller pyramid secret

Now I’m All For Doing Weights To Help You Release Large Amounts of Growth Hormone For Growing Taller…But If Your POWERLIFTING While also Following a Stretching Program Then You May Not Grow As Tall As You May Hope…

I would Say as an Easy Rule To Follow that if You Lift Weights For 1-5 Reps then Stop Doing This While on Your Grow Taller Program.  Aim More For 6-10 Reps During Your Workout…

You Will Still be Able to Train the Muscle Hard…and Get a Great Workout…Who Knows You may not Even Want to Go back To Power lifting…

With Lifting Slightly Lighter Weights You Will Also Benefit from Not Getting as Easily Injured…Plus You Will be able to focus More on the Speed of your Reps With Better Form and Technique…

Also Think…

If you are Carrying Really Heavy Weights Its Only Going to Push You Closer to the Floor(Gravity)…Which Will Reverse the Effects Of your Stretching Program.

The Muscles You Will Get With Power lifting Will tend to Be Shorter and Have More Mass…as Apposed to Longer, Taller and More Stretched out…

So Put Your Ego Aside In the Gym For a While Because You Will have the last Laugh When You are Towering Over Everyone else and Getting All the attention With Your NEW Tall Stature!

Have Fun In The Gym!

Negativity Will Keep You Short!

Negativity Will Keep You Short! How to grow taller

I Can’t Stress to People How Important it is to Stay Positive During a Grow Taller Program…

You Need to Keep Negativity Away No Matter How Hard the Program Gets and No Matter how many Negative People Try To Steal Away Your Dream of Becoming Taller…

I Don’t Know Why But So Many People Are So Quick To Have Opinions on Matters that they have never experienced.  A lot of the Time People are Not Saying it on purpose.  They Are maybe just Giving an opinion that has been passed onto them by somebody else…

We are All guilty of Passing Judgements on things that we have not had first hand experience with…

But the trouble is that someone could say to you “You can’t Grow Taller…My Brother Tried that and it didn’t Work For him…So you are wasting your time”…and this alone would be enough to STOP some people from Achieving their Dream Height!


When Someone passes on a opinion about Growing Taller and Increasing Height just take it with a pinch of salt or even

Rise To the Challenge…!!!

Can you imagine your Friends Face when you have Grown Taller! It will completely eliminate his/her opinion of Growing Taller and Prove that he/she was Wrong! Plus it Will Change his/her Opinions that he may pass on in the Future about Growing Taller!…

Now He/She may Give More Constructive Options to others and thus Encouraging people to Grow Taller Not Discourage them…

He/She May Say “ Oh Yeah…You can Grow Taller My Friend (Firstname) Grew 3 inches Taller in 8 Weeks! You should Give it a Go”….

See How Much More Encouraging this is! If your Friend Told you this! You would be Filled with Enthusiasm! And Not Disappointed Before Even Starting Out on your Grow Taller Journey…

Just Focus On What it Will be Like when You are Taller! Think of all the things You Will Be able to Do When You Grow! Think of How You Will Feel when You reach The Height Of your Dreams….What a Sense of Achievement You will have Created…

Just Remember We All have Negative thoughts…it’s Natural…

If You Follow Negative Thoughts = You Will NOT Grow Taller!

If You Pursue  Positive Thoughts = You WILL Grow Taller!

So Who are you going to listen to?

Swimming For Growing Taller! 10 Simple Steps!

Swimming For Growing Taller! 10 Simple Steps - grow talle pyramid secret

As I Am sure You have Probably Read Time and Time again.  People Often ask How Swimming Can Help you to Grow Taller and Increase Height?

When You Immerse Your body In Water it becomes Twice as Light.  It also takes a lot of pressure off your body’s joints and Muscles.

People who are Weak or recovering from injuries often take up swimming to compensate for lack of other exercise from other areas.  It puts less stress on the body and as you are half your weight in water swimming is low resistance.

As There is half the normal Stress on your body, this allows your spine to decompress and have a more free range of movement…along with all the other Muscles that are in the Body.

We have Found also, that if You Combine Swimming with Stretching Exercises at the same time then this has a Fantastic effect of your Height Gains!

The Combination of Both Really Helps you to Not Only Stretch Further But Also a lot easier.  By doing this your Body Becomes accustomed with being Taller as You begin to Push your Suppleness Boundaries…( Correct Diet and Sleeping is also Required amongst other Factors)


If You do have access to a Swimming Pool then Why Not Try this Short Routine Everyday and See how you get on…it’s not the Be all and end all in Height gain but if you are just starting out on your Height Journey then it Will Definitely make a difference to your Height over a specific amount of time (30-60 days)

So anyways

1) Try Doing 10 Lengths of Your Pool (any Stoke at a Comfortable speed)

2) Then get out and Perform the “Mountain Stretch” and Holding the Stretch for 30 seconds…

3) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

4) Then get out and Perform the “Touch Toes Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

5) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

6) Then get out and Perform the “Cobra Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

7) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

8) Then get out and Perform the “Spinal Forward Bend Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

9) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

10) Then Finally get out and Perform the “Fish stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

Try it Out and Let me know Your Results…

Take a Week Off Before Repeating a Grow Taller Program!

Take a Week Off Before Repeating a Grow Taller Program - grow taller pyramid secret

In Most Cases You Will Grow To Your Desired Height in 45-180 days.


There are those people that Wish to Repeat Programs in order to Get Even More Height…

One thing I Would Recommend is having a week off Before repeating The Program.  This Will Not only Give your Body Much Needed Rest…But…It Will Also Give your Body’s Joints & Muscles a Chance to recover before you Repeat the Training regime…

Not Only that but a Week off will also Give your Mind that Much needed Break with an Opportunity to reflect on the Height goals you have already achieved and What You Are aiming For by repeating Your Current Program once More.

It Will also Give you a sense of Reward. And that Even though you are still wanting to gain even more height…You have already achieved a lot…and this deserves a Reward which can Be this Rest Week…

I would Also encourage you to even treat yourself to maybe the Junk foods that you will of cut out of your diet while on the previous program…this will not only get the cravings out of your system for when you Restart your program but will also kick in your metabolism… Your body will not recognize the foods that you are putting into it and compensate by kicking in your metabolism!

It’s a win-win situation!

So Go on…Give yourself a rest Week! You deserve it!

It Will Do You more Good to have this rest week than to not have one!  So don’t feel Guilty for it!

Peak Ages For Growth Spurts?

Peak Ages For Growth Spurts - grow taller pyramid secret

As You Probably know by Now With Attempting to Grow Taller and Increase height.  One of the Most Satisfactory Achievements you can get is encouraging a Growth Spurt.

Not Only Will All Your Efforts Of Paid off for Following a Demanding Grow Taller Program But the Results Will Come in a Fast Burst and Will be Permanent


Even though you know that Most People Can Grow on average 3-6 Inches Taller in 45-180 days.  People Who Encourage Growth Spurts often Grow Far Much More than That…usually 6-14 Inches Taller…

So What’s the Secret? And What Are the Peak ages for this Phenomenon?


There Definite Ages Where People Seem Naturally To Just  Grow Taller Really Quickly…

I put it Down to Aligning Your Grow Taller Program With a Second Growth Spurt that Your Body Was Already Preparing You For…and When Both are Done in the Right Years…Not always the same For Each Individual But From My Results of My Clients there are Definite peaks at Certain Ages…

From My First 50 Clients To Use My First Product

“Grow 6 Inches Taller in 90 days” Here are the Results after 90 days of use…

40%   20 people grew 3 inches taller      (15,16,16, 17,19, 20,20,20,21,21,21,21,22,22,24,24,26,27,30,31) Age Group

38%   19 people grew between 3-4 inches     (16,16,17,17,18,18,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,21,21,21,22,23,24) Age Group

10%    5 people grew 4-5 inches    (18,18,19,19,22) Age Group

8%      4 people grew 5-6 inches    (19,19,20,20) Age Group

2%    1 person grew 6-7 inches(this is an exception, encouraged a large late growth spurt)  19 years old

As You can Notice the Biggest Growth Was By a 19 Year Old…

And For Ages 17-22…This Appears to be a PEAK Time in Terms of Catching This Second Growth Spurt and Aligning it With a Grow Taller Program  to Cause a Huge Influx of Growth…

But Don’t Get Discouraged if you are Not in this Age Bracket…Remember that you can still Grow 3-6 Inches If you are under 30 Guaranteed and 1-3 Inches if you are over 30…

And this is just the First 50 Clients We Now have Way More Success Stories and we even have one Particular Client who has Grown a Whole 14 Inches!


A Quick Grow Taller Workout Routine You Can Try…

A Quick Grow Taller Workout Routine You Can Try… grow taller pyramid secret

Here is a Quick Grow Taller Workout Routine You Can Try To Help Increase Your Height.

Start With a 5-10 Minute Warm Up (Skipping, Jogging, Cycling or Whatever You Prefer for a Warm up)

Now on to the Weights program…

This should Effectively Boost your Height while you are doing a Stretching Program.


Start Training your back twice per week. and do Squat’s twice per week( on different days) for example:









Here’s what I do when training back

If your back is not that strong you may need someone to help you or use an assisted machine.


Back Workout

twice per week.

Military Pull up- 4 sets-8-10 reps

Wide Grip Pull up-4 sets-8-10 reps

close grip pull up-4 sets-8-10 reps

close grip rows-4 sets-8-10 reps



twice per week.

5 sets.

1 Warm up set.

4 normal sets of 8-10 reps.


Your legs and back will ache the next day after but if you are used to training, it will be fine.

Do it for 8 weeks along with your normal stretching and You Will See a Increase in your Height at a Much Faster Rate with Even Larger Gains…

Let us know how you get on…

When Will My Body React/Respond to a Grow Taller Program?

When Will My Body ReactRespond to a Grow Taller Program - grow taller pyramid secret

With All the Grow Taller Programs out there available for you it can often be Frustrating For one to Choose.  Not Only That But How Much Time and Effort Should You Give Each Specific Program to Measure Whether it is actually Doing anything or Not.

Also You need to bare in Mind Your age and How Everyone’s Body can React and Adapt to things at different Speeds.

For Example…

Some People Find it Very Easy to Lose Weight and Some Find it Really Hard.  The Reality is…Both Types of people can Lose Weight…But The Speeds and Effort they put in Will Probably Be Completely Different.

So the Good News is that Regardless of Your Genes/Ethnic Origins/ Gender & Religion You can Grow Taller and Increase Height…

I cannot Speak For All Programs But From Programs Like the Ones From My Sites we can say that as a General Rule 30 is the Cut off Point for Growing over 3 Inches Taller Within a 180 day Period.  But on the Bright Side if you are under 30 You Have got a Huge Change to Grow 3-6 Inches in a 45-180 Period…

And Also Remember that These are just General Rules! There have Been Exceptions! I have had a Lots Of clients Over 30!

Although A lot of our Clients See Small Results on a Weekly Basis.  Some People Don’t See Any Results For up to 180 days or sometimes even longer…Then Suddenly They Get a Huge Growth Spurt!  After Such Repetitive Stress on the Body…The Body Reacts By Giving them a Huge Growth Spurt…

So in Answering the Question…You Should be Prepared to Give any one Program a Maximum of 180 Days of Hard Work Before Giving up or Changing your Program to something else…But Generally Speaking You Will see results after about 45 days if not Sooner…


Does Milk Make you Grow Taller?

Does Milk Make you Grow Taller

There is Plenty of Evidence To suggest that Milk Does Help You To Grow Taller…It had Plenty of Calcium and Plenty of Protein…

And the Good Thing is That Pretty Much Where Ever You are in the World…Milk is readily Available to You…

Do try to Avoid the High or Full Fat Milk…as You May End up getting More Calories than You Bargained For and End up Putting on FAT…

Go For the Semi Skimmed or Skimmed…they Still have as Much Calcium and Protein in them…Just Without the FAT…

As a General Rule I Would Recommend Drinking 1-2 Glasses of Milk Per Day…Or 1 Pint Per day…It Is Really Tasty and You can Even Add Your Protein Powder in the Mixture to Get Your 30 Grams Out of a Snack if you Wish…

Drink Up!

Best Protein For Growing Taller…

Best Protein For Growing Taller…

As You May Or May not Know…In Protein There are Amino Acids…22 in Total…Amino Acids Are Essential For Growth and Growing Taller…

The One Single Best Protein For this is EGGS…

Eggs Have All 22 Amino acids, essential for growth And Increasing Height…

That doesn’t Mean that Eating Any Other Protein is Useless….Not at ALL! I am Just Stating that EGGS do have All the Amino Acids…

and I’m Sure For that Certain Person… This Could Be the Answer they Need or be the Final thing they Need to tweak in their Diet in Order to Grow Taller And Increase Height…

But Also Take into Account that in eggs there are the Yolks and The Whites…The Yolks have More Cholesterol and Calories…So If you are Eating a lot of Eggs then I would Recommend Only Eating 1 Yolk For Every 3 Eggs you Eat…

If you want to find out how much protein you need to eat to grow taller click here.

Growth Hormone Injections, Last Resort for Growing Taller?

Growth Hormone Injections, Last Resort for Growing Taller

I have Had a Few People Ask that If the Worst Comes to Worst…Should they Try Growth Hormone injections? Maybe even Combine them with the Grow Taller Programs?

And Too Be Honest I can See the Temptation… But I have Never Tried them Myself…and If I EVER Was to they would Definitely Not be From any body…I Would Only Ever Have them if I Spoke to a Doctor First  an they Give Me some Official Ones…Not Dodgy ones From a Guy Down the Pub…lol…

But Having Achieved the Height I wanted Without the aid of Injections…Then I Feel as Though I f I Don’t Need them then Neither Do you…

And as Far as Combining them with a Grow Taller Program…My Thoughts Are the same…If You really Want to then Consult Your Doctor…But if Not…then Never Buy It From Anyone…Even if you trust them…

Your Life and Body are Not Worth the Risk!

You Can Grow Taller Using Everything We Teach Naturally…So why Would You even need to Look Elsewhere…

As Long as You have Focus and Are Prepared To Put in a Little Bit of Effort then You will be Surprised to How Far You can Go…And Eventually How Tall you will Become…