Stretching While The Spine is still under Decompression early in the Morning…

Stretching While The Spine is still under Decompression early in the Morning…

I Have Always Recommended that people Stretch Within 1 Hour of Waking up…

One Reason For this is that For the Past 8-10 Hours of Sleep…Your Spine Will have been in a state of Decompression…This Means that No Gravity or Force is having an Effect on your Height… And is allowing the Spine to relax and Move more Freely than if it was under Pressure From Gravity…

By Stretching at this time in the morning Allows You to Extend the Cartilage between the Bones in your back and Make them Thicker…This is More Effective in the morning Because of the Decompression the Cartilage is less Compressed and Can be Stretched to Greater lengths…

By Doing this Every morning…Your body Will Respond by Making these Cartilages Thicker and Thus Adding Extra Height to your Spine and Back…

They Say that When an Astronaut is in space…He/or she will instantly become 3-6 inches Taller due to NO COMPRESSION on the Spine…You can Also Tap into this Height By Stretching in the Morning…

Even each disk Grows only 0.25 cm (0.1 inch) thicker, which is the length of this line in quotes “_”, you will grow 0.25 times by 25 = 6.25 cm (2.5 inches) Taller!

So Never Overlook How Beneficial This Could be to you if You Just Stretched Every Morning!

Best Times To Stretch

Best Times To Stretch

What time is the best time to stretch?

I Often Get Asked the Best Times To perform Stretching Exercises Throughout the Day…

Sometimes this cannot always be convenient but you can use as a guide…

From My own Personal Experience and From Results of my Clients and Customers I Feel the Best Time to Stretch are Within 1 Hour of Waking Up and Within 1 Hour Before Bed…

I also found that often in the Morning I wasn’t Very Flexible So a Black Coffee and a 5-10 Minute Warm up would Help and I would notice that I would become More Flexible…

I Do Not advise drinking coffee before Bed…Usually however we are at a Natural Awake-ness anyway before bed…so the Coffee is not Necessary…

Depending on your Circumstances…you too should Try to implement this…I do understand that some people do prefer to have a lie in etc.  But I Think You will do Really Well with your Goals and Reach Them A lot Faster if you Do what I myself and Lots of others have done by Doing the stretching at these times…

Can Stretching Really Help You To Grow Taller?

can stretching help you grow taller

Yes Stretching Really Can Help you to Grow Taller!

Regardless of Age/Sex/ Ethnic Origins…The Effects Of Stretching Have Been Proved Time and Time Again.

With Some Height Increase Programs… One Thing That Seems To Put People off is The Fact that They are Stretching their Back and Not So Much Their Legs

Ideally “Most” People Would Like to Grow Taller Not just in the Back but in the Legs Also…So they Look in Proportion…

With The Right Program This Can Be achieved…The First Thing to Do is To Stop Listening to All the Negative People on Forums and Comment Boxes on YouTube…Who get a Kick out of Making You Feel Like Crap…

So Many People in these Places Make comments on Programs they have Never Tried…or Tried half heartedly and Failed…

If you Listen to them…you will end up as Tall as them…

Instead Align yourself With The Successful Height Gainers…

grow taller inspiration

Get Inspiration From Those Who have Achieved the Height Goals You Desire and Want…

Try to Communicate With them and Find Out From a REAL person…How Much Effort & Time is Required to Grow Taller…

If You Copy And Take Note From The Successful Height Gainers…You Yourself Will Grow Taller & Increase Your Height

Also…Then Becoming an Inspiration To Others…