Skipping/Jump Rope and Grow Taller Effects

SkippingJump Rope and Grow Taller Effects - grow taller pyramid secret

It’s Always been Said That Skipping/Jump Rope Is Great For Growing Taller! But No-One Really Explains Why?


The Main Reason Why Skipping/Jump Rope is Good Is Because It is a High Intensity Exercise…

As You May or May Not Know…High Intensity Exercise Leads To Bigger Releases Of Growth Hormone (GH)…So That is the Main Reason For Why Skipping is Good For  Growing Taller…

The Other Reason is that Due To the Fact That Your Constantly Jumping…it Gives Messages To Your Body That Would Indicate that You Need To Be Taller…

It’s a Little bit Like Survival Of the Fittest…Your Body Adapts To it’s Environment…

You Wouldn’t Believe it But Giraffes Never Used To Be Tall At All! But Due To the Fact that over time They have had To Extend Their Necks To reach For The Higher Leaves For Nutrition…They Too have Become Taller!

Anyways…Skipping Does Not come Natural To All…in fact I was Terrible at First But I was Persistent!…I’m Now A fairly Skilled Skipper/Jump Roper…

But Be Patient…It’s Not meant To be easy… After a While…I think You will Learn To Love this Exercise…When You Start To Build a Rhythm and Get Faster on Your Toes!  It’s a True Exhilarating Feeling When You can Freestyle Skip/Jump Rope For 3-4 Mins Constantly…

Especially When Your Playing a Really Inspiring Song…Songs From the Rocky Films are Good To Start With! “Eye Of the Tiger” and “Hearts On Fire” are Just a Couple of Good Ones…

As for When To Skip/Jump Rope…

For Beginners I Would Recommend 30 Mins Skipping (1Min Skipping/ 1 Min Rest) 3-4 Times Per Week

For More Advanced I Would Say You Can Do it Everyday for 30 Mins (3-4 Mins Skipping/ 1 Min Rest)

Skipping is also Great For a Warm Up… Before Your Stretching! So Keep That in Mind Also…

Have You Got The Eye Of the Tiger To Start Growing Taller?

Push It To the Limit!

Swimming For Growing Taller! 10 Simple Steps!

Swimming For Growing Taller! 10 Simple Steps - grow talle pyramid secret

As I Am sure You have Probably Read Time and Time again.  People Often ask How Swimming Can Help you to Grow Taller and Increase Height?

When You Immerse Your body In Water it becomes Twice as Light.  It also takes a lot of pressure off your body’s joints and Muscles.

People who are Weak or recovering from injuries often take up swimming to compensate for lack of other exercise from other areas.  It puts less stress on the body and as you are half your weight in water swimming is low resistance.

As There is half the normal Stress on your body, this allows your spine to decompress and have a more free range of movement…along with all the other Muscles that are in the Body.

We have Found also, that if You Combine Swimming with Stretching Exercises at the same time then this has a Fantastic effect of your Height Gains!

The Combination of Both Really Helps you to Not Only Stretch Further But Also a lot easier.  By doing this your Body Becomes accustomed with being Taller as You begin to Push your Suppleness Boundaries…( Correct Diet and Sleeping is also Required amongst other Factors)


If You do have access to a Swimming Pool then Why Not Try this Short Routine Everyday and See how you get on…it’s not the Be all and end all in Height gain but if you are just starting out on your Height Journey then it Will Definitely make a difference to your Height over a specific amount of time (30-60 days)

So anyways

1) Try Doing 10 Lengths of Your Pool (any Stoke at a Comfortable speed)

2) Then get out and Perform the “Mountain Stretch” and Holding the Stretch for 30 seconds…

3) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

4) Then get out and Perform the “Touch Toes Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

5) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

6) Then get out and Perform the “Cobra Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

7) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

8) Then get out and Perform the “Spinal Forward Bend Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

9) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

10) Then Finally get out and Perform the “Fish stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

Try it Out and Let me know Your Results…

Grow Taller Sports: Which Ones Are Best?

grow taller sports swimming

As You May know There are Certain Sports that Can Help Encourage Your Body to Grow Taller and Aid the Process…

Sport’s That Encourage Jumping Help…Such As Basketball…

Sport’s That Place Decompression on the Spine and Body Help Too…Such as Swimming…

Also Sports that Are High Intensity Help…Because Scientists have Proved that intense Exercises Leads to Higher Release in Growth Hormone…For Example, Sprinting…

To Calculate Frequency of this Cannot always Be easy…For Example in a Basketball Game you Could Be Pushed Harder in some Games than Others…This Makes it hard to Record How Much of a Particular Exercise you have been Doing…

Sprinting or Swimming Can Be Recorded a lot Easier With Set Times and Speed Etc…

I Would Recommend Trying Where possible to Get a Mix of All 3 Types of Sports Within a Week…This Will Give you Variety and Also Keep Your Body Guessing…

Which Will always Lead to Easier Potential to tap into Your Growth Hormone and More of it…

Keep Pushing Yourself….!