Skipping/Jump Rope and Grow Taller Effects

SkippingJump Rope and Grow Taller Effects - grow taller pyramid secret

It’s Always been Said That Skipping/Jump Rope Is Great For Growing Taller! But No-One Really Explains Why?


The Main Reason Why Skipping/Jump Rope is Good Is Because It is a High Intensity Exercise…

As You May or May Not Know…High Intensity Exercise Leads To Bigger Releases Of Growth Hormone (GH)…So That is the Main Reason For Why Skipping is Good For  Growing Taller…

The Other Reason is that Due To the Fact That Your Constantly Jumping…it Gives Messages To Your Body That Would Indicate that You Need To Be Taller…

It’s a Little bit Like Survival Of the Fittest…Your Body Adapts To it’s Environment…

You Wouldn’t Believe it But Giraffes Never Used To Be Tall At All! But Due To the Fact that over time They have had To Extend Their Necks To reach For The Higher Leaves For Nutrition…They Too have Become Taller!

Anyways…Skipping Does Not come Natural To All…in fact I was Terrible at First But I was Persistent!…I’m Now A fairly Skilled Skipper/Jump Roper…

But Be Patient…It’s Not meant To be easy… After a While…I think You will Learn To Love this Exercise…When You Start To Build a Rhythm and Get Faster on Your Toes!  It’s a True Exhilarating Feeling When You can Freestyle Skip/Jump Rope For 3-4 Mins Constantly…

Especially When Your Playing a Really Inspiring Song…Songs From the Rocky Films are Good To Start With! “Eye Of the Tiger” and “Hearts On Fire” are Just a Couple of Good Ones…

As for When To Skip/Jump Rope…

For Beginners I Would Recommend 30 Mins Skipping (1Min Skipping/ 1 Min Rest) 3-4 Times Per Week

For More Advanced I Would Say You Can Do it Everyday for 30 Mins (3-4 Mins Skipping/ 1 Min Rest)

Skipping is also Great For a Warm Up… Before Your Stretching! So Keep That in Mind Also…

Have You Got The Eye Of the Tiger To Start Growing Taller?

Push It To the Limit!

Don’t Do Massive Weights To Grow Taller

Don’t Do Massive Weights To Grow Taller - grow taller pyramid secret

Now I’m All For Doing Weights To Help You Release Large Amounts of Growth Hormone For Growing Taller…But If Your POWERLIFTING While also Following a Stretching Program Then You May Not Grow As Tall As You May Hope…

I would Say as an Easy Rule To Follow that if You Lift Weights For 1-5 Reps then Stop Doing This While on Your Grow Taller Program.  Aim More For 6-10 Reps During Your Workout…

You Will Still be Able to Train the Muscle Hard…and Get a Great Workout…Who Knows You may not Even Want to Go back To Power lifting…

With Lifting Slightly Lighter Weights You Will Also Benefit from Not Getting as Easily Injured…Plus You Will be able to focus More on the Speed of your Reps With Better Form and Technique…

Also Think…

If you are Carrying Really Heavy Weights Its Only Going to Push You Closer to the Floor(Gravity)…Which Will Reverse the Effects Of your Stretching Program.

The Muscles You Will Get With Power lifting Will tend to Be Shorter and Have More Mass…as Apposed to Longer, Taller and More Stretched out…

So Put Your Ego Aside In the Gym For a While Because You Will have the last Laugh When You are Towering Over Everyone else and Getting All the attention With Your NEW Tall Stature!

Have Fun In The Gym!

Swimming For Growing Taller! 10 Simple Steps!

Swimming For Growing Taller! 10 Simple Steps - grow talle pyramid secret

As I Am sure You have Probably Read Time and Time again.  People Often ask How Swimming Can Help you to Grow Taller and Increase Height?

When You Immerse Your body In Water it becomes Twice as Light.  It also takes a lot of pressure off your body’s joints and Muscles.

People who are Weak or recovering from injuries often take up swimming to compensate for lack of other exercise from other areas.  It puts less stress on the body and as you are half your weight in water swimming is low resistance.

As There is half the normal Stress on your body, this allows your spine to decompress and have a more free range of movement…along with all the other Muscles that are in the Body.

We have Found also, that if You Combine Swimming with Stretching Exercises at the same time then this has a Fantastic effect of your Height Gains!

The Combination of Both Really Helps you to Not Only Stretch Further But Also a lot easier.  By doing this your Body Becomes accustomed with being Taller as You begin to Push your Suppleness Boundaries…( Correct Diet and Sleeping is also Required amongst other Factors)


If You do have access to a Swimming Pool then Why Not Try this Short Routine Everyday and See how you get on…it’s not the Be all and end all in Height gain but if you are just starting out on your Height Journey then it Will Definitely make a difference to your Height over a specific amount of time (30-60 days)

So anyways

1) Try Doing 10 Lengths of Your Pool (any Stoke at a Comfortable speed)

2) Then get out and Perform the “Mountain Stretch” and Holding the Stretch for 30 seconds…

3) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

4) Then get out and Perform the “Touch Toes Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

5) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

6) Then get out and Perform the “Cobra Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

7) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

8) Then get out and Perform the “Spinal Forward Bend Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

9) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths

10) Then Finally get out and Perform the “Fish stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds…

Try it Out and Let me know Your Results…

A Quick Grow Taller Workout Routine You Can Try…

A Quick Grow Taller Workout Routine You Can Try… grow taller pyramid secret

Here is a Quick Grow Taller Workout Routine You Can Try To Help Increase Your Height.

Start With a 5-10 Minute Warm Up (Skipping, Jogging, Cycling or Whatever You Prefer for a Warm up)

Now on to the Weights program…

This should Effectively Boost your Height while you are doing a Stretching Program.


Start Training your back twice per week. and do Squat’s twice per week( on different days) for example:









Here’s what I do when training back

If your back is not that strong you may need someone to help you or use an assisted machine.


Back Workout

twice per week.

Military Pull up- 4 sets-8-10 reps

Wide Grip Pull up-4 sets-8-10 reps

close grip pull up-4 sets-8-10 reps

close grip rows-4 sets-8-10 reps



twice per week.

5 sets.

1 Warm up set.

4 normal sets of 8-10 reps.


Your legs and back will ache the next day after but if you are used to training, it will be fine.

Do it for 8 weeks along with your normal stretching and You Will See a Increase in your Height at a Much Faster Rate with Even Larger Gains…

Let us know how you get on…

I Lift Really Heavy Weights 3-4 Reps for Strength… will this affect my Height?

I Lift Really Heavy Weights 3-4 Reps for Strength… will this affect my Height

If You Love Lifting Really Heavy Weights and Are Not Willing to Swap Your Super Heavy Sets For Some Lighter ones…Then There is the Possibility that You Could Be Reversing the Effects Of Your Grow Taller Program…

The Reason being that your body is Only Meant to Lift So Much Weight…

The Worst Exercises With Super Heavy Weights for a Reverse Effect on your height are

  • Heavy Shrugs
  • Heavy Dead lifts
  • Heavy Squats
  • Heavy Shoulder Presses

Amongst others

The Reason Being that With all the Weight its Like a Kind Of Reverse Decompression…With So Much Weight and Gravity Pulling you down You will be Suffocating the cartilage between the bones in your spine…and If Your Following your Stretching Program Correctly then this could be the only thing that is holding you back From Growing Taller…

So My Advice is to Ditch Heavy Weights and Low Reps…While You are on a Grow taller Program…Put Your Ego aside…Then when you have Grown Taller…you can Return To doing them once again…

Keep Focused and Keep Pushing to Your Limits…


Will Light Weights Help Me Grow Taller?

Will Light Weights Help Me Grow Taller

Regarding Weight Programs or Weight Training I get Asked if it is Possible to Still Get a Good Release of Growth hormone By Doing Light Weights as Opposed to heavy ones…

The Answer is Yes…With your Grow Taller Workout Program You May have been Encouraged to Do roughly 8-10 Reps…

But For some People They Would Prefer to Go Lighter and Still have the Benefit…

There is a way to Achieve this…

As You may know when You Put Stresses on your Muscles You Body Reacts By Making them Bigger and Stronger…and By Doing This Helps Release Huge amounts of Growth Hormone All Over…so you can Benefit With Channelling it into your Height…

So if you want to Still Release this Same amount of Growth Hormone But without lifting heavy Weights…Then You Will have to Perform More Reps And Perform them Slower…Quite Often this is Actually harder than Just Lifting Heavier Weights in the First Place as it tests Your Muscle Endurance too…

So Yes You can Lower Your Weights for the same Effect But You are Going to have to perform 12-16 Reps roughly and Perform them slower so you still get a Muscle Burn and Enable your Body to Still Produce that Growth Hormone You Need…

Stretching While The Spine is still under Decompression early in the Morning…

Stretching While The Spine is still under Decompression early in the Morning…

I Have Always Recommended that people Stretch Within 1 Hour of Waking up…

One Reason For this is that For the Past 8-10 Hours of Sleep…Your Spine Will have been in a state of Decompression…This Means that No Gravity or Force is having an Effect on your Height… And is allowing the Spine to relax and Move more Freely than if it was under Pressure From Gravity…

By Stretching at this time in the morning Allows You to Extend the Cartilage between the Bones in your back and Make them Thicker…This is More Effective in the morning Because of the Decompression the Cartilage is less Compressed and Can be Stretched to Greater lengths…

By Doing this Every morning…Your body Will Respond by Making these Cartilages Thicker and Thus Adding Extra Height to your Spine and Back…

They Say that When an Astronaut is in space…He/or she will instantly become 3-6 inches Taller due to NO COMPRESSION on the Spine…You can Also Tap into this Height By Stretching in the Morning…

Even each disk Grows only 0.25 cm (0.1 inch) thicker, which is the length of this line in quotes “_”, you will grow 0.25 times by 25 = 6.25 cm (2.5 inches) Taller!

So Never Overlook How Beneficial This Could be to you if You Just Stretched Every Morning!

How Can I Just Grow My Legs Longer?

How Can I Just Grow My Legs Longer - grow taller pyramid secret

I have a Long Upper Body and short Legs…How Can I Just Grow My Legs Longer?

As I said in the Last post…Using the correct Grow Taller Program to Encourage Growth 9 Times out of 10 Will Help… You get Back Your Proportions…

However As in All cases there are People Who Grow and Are still Slightly Out of Proportion… Whether They Still have Long Legs…or Still have a Long Torso…

But Don’t Panic…

With 2 Of My Clients I created a Specific Program That Focused Primarily on Bringing Back Their Proportions…Both The clients Had Longer Legs than Their Torso…

After Creating 2 custom Programs For them to follow…both of them are now satisfied With their Heights and Proportions…

But it wasn’t easy For them…they had to Really Dig Deep to Get the Results they Wanted…They Trained Every day…and spend More Time on themselves then Any of my other clients or members of my advanced Groups…

So If You feel that You are in the same Situation…Then Do not Lose Hope…There is Hope for You…but You Have Really Got to Focus On Yourself! While Doing the Program…Even More than Many of the Others…

But The Most Important thing You should Remember is that it has been Done Before…Therefore it is Possible…

Best Grow Taller Warm Up Exercises

grow taller warm ups - jogging

We do jogging and skipping as part of our warm up in Our Programs…. and yes please include them if you wish to… it may help you Grow faster.

One of the Reasons We do this is Because Jogging and Skipping Can Be a Moderate to Intense Exercise…

They Not Only Get You Warmed Up Really Quickly But Remember How I Told you in a Previous Email that Intense Exercise Leads to a Bigger Disbursement Of Growth Hormone…It also Gives You that Benefit Too…

However Even I have had days where I just didn’t fancy Either Skipping Or Jogging…a Few Other Good Warm ups are…

  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Walking up stairs (or Using the Stepper Machine in a Gym)
  • Cross Trainer
  • Power Walking
  • Climbing

All these Exercises Can be Done To an Intense Level too…I guess it’s Just Down to Personal Preference…

How Should Your Muscles Feel if Your Growing Taller Correctly?

How Should Your Muscles Feel if Your Growing Taller Correctly

Many People Who Have Followed a Strict Grow Taller Routine Have Commented that they have Experienced Pain While Doing the Program…

There are Two Main Type of Pain That You Should Be aware of…

First there is the Good Kind Of Pain Where You get a Numb/Dull/Burn/ache in Your Muscles…Often Felt A Day or Two After the Exercises…

This is Known as Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS)…If you Feel This Sensation Then You are Doing Good and Keep Repeating the Intensity of This To your Program…

On the Other hand if You Feel Sharp Very Painful Pain that makes You want to say Ouch! When You Perform a Certain exercise then Stop Immediately…

You could Either Be Doing the exercise too Intensely Or Wrong…if This is So then Eliminate each One First as a process of elimination to find out what is the cause for the pain…

If You are neither Doing it Wrong or Too Intensely then consult your Physician or Doctor…It could be a Personal Problem…

But 9 times out of 10 its just incorrect Technique Or Too Intense for your Body…

Remember as you do the program More and More you can Up the intensity steadily as you begin to get used to and enjoy the Program…

So Take Care…But Push Your Body So It knows that You Desire To Grow Taller and Aim for The Muscle Soreness Pain! (DOMS)