Ayurvedic Urea to Grow Taller

I have received hundreds of emails about people asking me about Ayurvedic Urea. Apparently, Ayurvedic Urea is a product that promises people to grow taller without doing anything. I have tried researching about it, and I am going to reveal some information about this product to you! Whether or not it really works, you guys decide for yourself! It is soon going to be launched in 2014!

What is Ayurvedic Urea?

Ayurvedic Urea is a powder/pill/liquid form product that when consumed, is proven to help one grow taller significantly! Depending on how much one wants to grow taller, the duration and dosage will apply.

Does it guarantee growth?

Apparently, many online forums and past clients have told me that they really grew taller from Ayurvedic Urea, and that they really became a lot taller!

How much does it cost?

It costs a bomb! It can range from US$10,000- US$100,000 depending on where you can get it, how much you are planning to grow, and whom you purchase it from!

Who can use Ayurvedic Urea to grow taller?

People from ages 13-35 who wants to grow taller can try taking Ayurvedic Urea! It is not advised for people above 50 years old, and people with HIV or dwarfism to take it as there will be no effect on them!

Where can I find Ayurvedic Urea?

You can Ayurvedic Urea in remote parts of Nepal and Africa!

How long must I wait to see results?

Result is said to be visible within 1-2 weeks of usage! A person can generally grow 1 inch in 10-14 days!

What are some negative effects of Ayurvedic Urea?

There are no found negative effects or long term disadvantages to it! However, people who consume Ayruvedic Urea may experience extreme fatigue and is advised to sleep and rest more! Therefore, try to reduce your activity level to the minimum if you are consuming this!

Where can I order it?

You can order it online! However choose the right supplier as you might get scammed easily! CLICK HERE FOR TRUSTED AYURVEDIC UREA SUPPLIERS

Why is it so expensive?

Ayurvedic Urea is very rare. The government in Nepal and Africa is regulating the sale of it, and only a certain amount of it can be sold every year! Therefore you have to grab fast!

How do you use it?

Basically, you will have to consume about 500mg – 1000mg of Ayurvedic Urea a day (morning, afternoon, night) , depending on the dosage. Instructions will be given when you purchase them! Also, avoid drinking and smoking when you are on Ayurvedic Urea!
In conclusion, those of you who want to purchase this item must think critically, and be ready to fork out a huge sum of money! It can be said that this product costs more than the traditional limb lengthening surgery! Do not purchase immediately before researching and doing the necessary measures to protect yourself from scammers.

With that, we wish all of you the best of luck in your growing taller journey!

230 thoughts on “Ayurvedic Urea to Grow Taller”

  1. Hey gtg, before I started taking ayervdic I was easily able to get 10 or so hours consecutive sleep. But since I’ve started taking it my sleep has been much lighter and no matter how hard I try, I only manage 5 consecutive hours (this is frustrating as one time I did get 7 hours and grew half an inch or so though I shrunk back down after). I really think if I could stay asleep I could grow, and it seems like the ayerverdic is what is both waking me up and helping me grow. My question is do u have any advice on staying asleep for a full night other than the usual, good sleep hygiene, making the room dark and using ear plugs, which I already do? One again thanks gtg I really appreciate all your support

    1. Hey HBK – it sounds silly, but taking 45 minutes to relax and clear your mind can help before you sleep. Also hot milk does wonders. Avoid thin liquids for a couple of hours before bed like water or juice and try not to eat just before bed either. Sounds like your body wants to respond, but don’t panic about it as the stress won’t help you either. You will get there, I have confidence in you. Regards and good luck! GTG

  2. Hey gtg, I followed your advice and I’m now getting 7 hours consecutive sleep. I’m dreaming alot since taking the ayaverdic, and I hear dream sleep is lighter sleep. Do u have any tips on getting deep sleep?
    Other than following the gtps, is there anything I can do to make the ayaverdic work faster? I’m eating the foods they recommend on the website, but I’m really eager to do everything possible. I know I will grow, I just have to keep trying, but in the mean time its difficult. Thanks for getting back to me, it means alot!

    1. Hey HBK – Dream sleep is usually deeper sleep as you usually dream when you are in REM which is your heaviest part of the sleep cycle. As long as you are getting continuous sleep you will move throughout all the different stages of sleep, which includes the stages alpha and theta where you will sleep lightly but that is all normal and you need these lighter stages as well as the heavier ones to produce all of the hormones and induce the chemical reactions and for your body to restore cells etc. You need to keep going with what you are doing and your body will respond, but there really is no way to rush it. It is a process that you can only go with and do your best at by sticking with the program. You are doing great, so keep up the good work. Regards, GTG

  3. Also gtg, would it be a good idea to stay up for an entire night, sothat the next night I’m exhausted and have a long and deep sleep?

    1. Hey HBK – No, you need to sleep regularly everyday as it is the overall routine that will have the most impact on your body. Regards, GTG

  4. Hey GTG, I’m getting a regular 7 hours of consistent sleep now, (thanks again for the tips), and also another 1 or 2 hours on top, but waking up for a bit before these hours. I still feel like I can work on this aspect of the programme, so will keep trying. My question is how many hours of sleep are/were Roxy, Harry, and James getting? Were they consistent hours? Also I am feeling more tired during the day now? I thought this might me a delayed side effect of the pills, do you think this is possible?

    1. Hey Paul – They consistently get between 8-10 hours of sleep a night (in one block). And yes it sounds like the side effects are kicking in, that is okay though as they will pass. Good luck! Regards, GTG

  5. Hey GTG – I’m well into my fourth month of taking Ayurvedic Urea and following your programme, but am still waiting for any height increase. On their website they say that taking Ayurvedic Urea for 5 months will enable 1-4 inches of height increase. Can I expect to grow at least an inch after finishing bottles 4 and 5, or could it take 10 months, a year or longer to see results?

    1. Hey HBK – it depends on how your system reacts to it. It can in some cases take up to 24 months, but you should hopefully start seeing results soon. Regards, GTG

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